Thursday, March 11, 2021

Best Improvised SEO Tips to Implement in 2021, Part Two


Besides monitoring your site metrics with tools like Google Analytics and maintaining fresh engaging content, as we discussed in Part One, here are a few more tips to boost SEO. 

3. Create your Content around Keywords 

Researching keywords not only works for your content and helps to develop your piece's framework but it also allows you to understand what your audience wants to read. You can help build a content strategy to boost SEO by understanding what keywords are best for your target audience and content type. 

Google-friendly writing depends on a balance between keywords and everyday language –content  should be written in such a way that it flows naturally. Keywords should occur naturally so that you don't have to stuff your content at the last minute. 

The Keyword Magic Tool (SEM Rush) lets you look up keywords related to your primary keyword, see how closely related a keyword is and its search volume. 

4. Expand your Portfolio Backlink 

A large portion of SEO deals with backlinks and whether high-authority sites generate backlinks. Diversity in backlinks can come from two sources: 

The type of backlink: In general, a dofollow or nofollow would be your backlink, with a dofollow bearing more weight. 

A site where the backlink originates: For example, if you are promoting your content and targeting publishers to run a story, the source of your backlink will be the site that links back to your content. 

A diverse portfolio of backlinks signals to Google that your website is an authoritative source and that you naturally create links versus relying on automated tools or other spam tactics. 

5. Use Appropriate Header Tags 

Be aware of how you organize the content on the page. Put the most relevant details at the top of the page. Studies show that 80% of readers spend much of their time at the top of the page. Each page should have content that is arranged logically. 

Google does not, however, inherently index meaning exclusively to what is at the top of the page. To see if it's comprehensive, they look at the article as a whole. With that in mind, you need to put some effort into how the page is laid out. 

Consider adding jump links at the top of your page to get the most out of the keywords you're targeting. This creates a more enjoyable user experience and encourages you to use your header tags to go after Google Gathering Information from a sample in more innovative ways. 

In conclusion, search engines work overtime to list the billions of websites quickly releasing content on the internet. Improve SEO on your site by using tools to address critical factors that affect it, and rank higher on Google. 

By Billy M Harris. Sites by Sara is a renowned SEO agency that helps you scale your business online with smart digital marketing tactics. We take pride in being one of the most dependable, result-oriented, and the best SEO companies for small businesses. So, wait no more and contact us now to grow your business with us by acquiring our search engine optimization services! 

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Best Improvised SEO Tips to Implement in 2021, Part One


Image by Firmbee from Pixabay 

With more than 3.5 Billion Google searches a day, you need to play by the rules of Google to rank high enough for potential visitors to come across your content. Improving your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts is one of the best ways to make full use of your content. 

Organizations need a way to assess and view their SEO activities to stay ahead. To accomplish this, 73% of marketers use SEO tools to refine their content and improve Google's content ratings. You can increase the probability of obtaining organic website traffic by introducing small changes to the content of your website. Here are five SEO strategies to help you rank higher on Google: 

1-     Monitor with a Program that works with Search Engines 

Understanding Google Analytics is the best step that you can take in enhancing your SEO in 2021. This is a helpful tool for understanding your website, so you can make good decisions. Their statistics will help you understand how you rank and understand your audience, so that you can improve content. Google Analytics is a fantastic tool since it shows you:   

What browsers visitors use – so you can concentrate on the most-used browsers web design, to enhance visitor experience. 

Which devices visitors use – so you can develop content customized to the screen size most widely used, improving the user experience. 

Understand your competition – so you can gain insights into traffic from rivals and determine when and how to boost your content to outrank rivals. 

2. Refresh Website with New Material 

Content marketers who create high-ranking content all provide readers with engaging topics. Successful marketing managers track patterns and discussions to brainstorm content ideas. This means that, at some stage, you're going to have to revisit low-performing content. 

Consider what kind of content would resonate with your audience when designing your content marketing strategy. From there, analyze what headlines do well for that subject and whether you can establish some prequel topics. 

Many content marketers consider mind maps to be useful. Using a mind map for visual individuals will help you organize future topic ideas. It will enable you to create larger topics that can be built into similar, smaller items.

Stay tuned for Part Two.


By Billy M Harris. Sites by Sara is a renowned SEO agency that helps you scale your business online with smart digital marketing tactics. We take pride in being one of the most dependable, result-oriented, and the best SEO companies for small businesses. So, wait no more and contact us now to grow your business with us by acquiring our search engine optimization services!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

All-in-One Online Business Software?


Marketing tools are essential for any company, including traditional businesses looking to go online, existing digital companies or any individual Internet marketer who wants to build an income from home. 

There is no shortage of options in the marketing software community. There are tools for creating websites, capturing emails, building sales funnels, developing shopping carts and more. While these are essential tools, with so many choices on the market, how does a business owner know which is most suitable for them? 

Some owners might find products overly complicated, those just starting out, might find the high cost of all the necessary tools beyond their budget. Finally, there are so many tools that a new business owner needs, it quickly gets overwhelming. And expensive. 

These are just some of the reasons why GrooveFunnels, soon to be known as simply
Groove, was created. It’s an all-in-one suite of online business tools designed for business owners, but without complexity and a high price tag. 

It’s easy to use and offers a free level of subscription. 

A free GrooveFunnels account offers immediate access to a website creator, funnel builder and shopping cart software. It’s all you need to start selling products and services online. 

The entire suite of tools is simple to use. You can copy and paste, drag and drop, and click and scroll your way to creating professional-looking websites with sales funnels that can take online orders.

GrooveFunnels can also add unlimited products, create sales funnels, build branded websites with full navigation, offer custom domain names, sell products in just one click, and offer upsells, downsells and order bumps to customers. 

Such a robust software suite is typically unheard of in the software development industry, much less one that is being made available for free. 

So, if you're looking for the best new software to run your online business then sign up for free. This is the time to get started with GrooveFunnels. 

It’s all explained in this video.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Understanding Email Autoresponders


Photo by Adam Solomon on Unsplash

Did you know that you can make sales on auto-pilot simply by using an autoresponder? This software automates your email messages and replies. It's something you would use to send out your follow-up messages to new subscribers of your e-mailing list. The autoresponder gives you the ability to create and manage your messages.

Think of email autoresponders as the quiet workhorses in your email marketing. Basically, they are any type of automated emails or a series of emails (your follow-up messages) that you write one time, schedule, and send out automatically. 

Marketers use autoresponders to streamline their email campaigns and cut down on the amount of work they have to do. Rather than emailing each individual who signs up for your newsletter or email list, an autoresponder can easily send out a welcome email with follow-up messages that are all personalized. 

At the heart of email marketing are autoresponders. You use them to promote your business, build relationships, keep customers informed and updated, offer coupons to encourage customer loyalty, and more. 

Most website visitors won't buy something from you on the first visit. It takes a visitor six or more times before they decide to make a purchase. Follow-up messages keep visitors interested so you can eventually make the sale. 

Use compelling subject lines, which draw attention from your subscribers, making them feel excited to read the rest of your message. A great way to grab attention is with personalization, like using their names. Most autoresponders give you this ability to engage your subscribers. 

The first message should be the welcome or introduction email. This is the most important message, which tells your reader what to expect from you and your following messages. It’s a great way to start branding your company, offering background on what you do and how you can help prospects.

The second email message should inform your subscribers about your products and services, what they do and their benefits. People are more likely to be sold on benefits over the features. You can then make them an irresistible offer, maybe a limited time discount.

The third message emphasizes your services and products as a cut above the rest. Offer a sample, trial offer, or buy one get one free deal. Include comparisons between what you offer and what competitors offer, showing that you have the best features or prices. 

Once you have a few satisfied customers, you'll start to build up your credibility. Ask your subscribers for feedback on how you can make their experience better or how you can help them. Once a customer has praised your products or services, add it as a testimonial to a future message. 

A great way to keep subscribers looking forward to your next email is by ending your message with a teaser for the next message. This could a flash sale, coupon, or simply a free download. 

Leverage your autoresponder messages like your own personal sales team. Weave in your company contact and website information so your subscribers can easily place an order. Put some time and thought into your follow-up messages, and you'll soon be turning your subscribers into your customers.


For more email marketing and online business tips, please visit:     

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Friday, February 12, 2021

Build an E-Commerce Website in 8 Easy Steps - Part 2


Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay 

Fortunately, there is a structured process in building an e-commerce website. Here are the rest of our eight easy steps.

4. Choose an e-commerce platform

There is a multitude of e-commerce platforms on the Internet nowadays, such as Square Online, Weebly, Big Cartel, Constant Contact, BigCommerce, Wix, Shopify, Squarespace, WooCommerce, and more. Some comes with a free plan while some comes with a free trial but for a limited period. Choose one that best suits your budget and requirement. Also, you need to make sure that the platform you chose is optimized for mobile phone usability to take advantage of the accelerated growth of smartphone usage worldwide. The online e-commerce platform can easily help you build your website in a couple of simple steps.

5. Set-up your e-commerce store

Your e-commerce website is your online store, and it needs an appropriate theme to represent your brand. You have to set it up properly so as to ensure that your potential customers will have a good browsing experience in terms of fast loading speed, navigability, user-friendly, etc. Your website should contain accurate details on your products or services, quality images, good descriptions and prices as well as options for customers to leave reviews and star ratings. All this should be included in your product page for the viewing of prospective customers so that they buy based on an informed decision and not to mislead them into buying in any way. You must make your website and its web pages eye-catching as it's your brands' representation to your online customers.

Besides, you need to include pages on your website with respect to About Us, Contact Us, Return Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Shipping Information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). These are very important in order to build trust with your customers where they will feel confident to part their money in exchange for your products.

6. Set-up payment gateway

For your online store, you must have a few payment options in place for your customers. Most e-commerce store builder platforms already have functions to allow you to easily set up the payment gateway. The customer should have options to make payments via PayPal, credit card, debit card, online wallets, Internet banking, etc.

7. Secure your website by installing an SSL certificate

For all websites that transfer data online, especially relating to payment, you must ensure that the network connection is protected by a Secured Security Layer (SSL). The SSL certificate keeps your website secure from website hackers and will help to build trust among your customers.

8. Choose your shipping partner

When you start selling products on your e-commerce website, you need to ship the products to your customers using shipping companies. You must choose those reliable ones that have good track records in fulfilling shipments within agreed durations and at the lowest available shipping cost, so that you can give your customers the best deal as well as maximize your profit.

Check out an e-commerce website that is built using Shopify e-commerce platform at

Article Source: 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Build an E-Commerce Website in 8 Easy Steps - Part 1

 Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay 

Shopping online has become popular worldwide over the prevailing pandemic period and is expected to increase even after the pandemic is over. It follows that many e-commerce websites have been set up to capitalize on this growing trend. As a result, the growth of e-commerce business has outstripped that of the traditional 'brick and mortar' businesses many times over. In fact, many of these traditional businesses, even the more established ones, have to take their businesses online in order to survive. However, many smaller ones face stiff competition from e-commerce businesses and those that were unsustainable had unfortunately closed down. 

The success of e-commerce businesses has been so impactful that many individuals have started selling online using social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or Tik Tok. But the more enterprising ones are looking to dive into e-commerce in a bigger way instead of just using the social media platform. But first, to start an e-commerce business, it's necessary to build an e-commerce website for a start. 

Fortunately, there is a structured process in building an e-commerce website. Though a website developer is normally engaged in such a task, having some relevant knowledge could also help you in building a website for your online business. Here are eight easy steps to build an e-commerce website from scratch. 

1. Decide on the product niche for your store 

When you search the Internet, you will come across many e-commerce websites selling a variety of products. However, there are also many similar websites focusing on selling a specific line of products or services such as apparel, pet accessories, fashion wears, shoes or travel packages. Besides, there are some other e-commerce websites that sell many different products such as smartphones, cameras, home appliances, household items, sports and health items, lamps, laptops, books, and so forth. The latter is something similar to a hypermarket where you can find almost any stuff - you name it, they have it. 

For a start, it's significant to decide on the niche or type of services you wish to sell or provide on your website. In your decision, you need to find out the local demand for certain products relating to the niche or certain high-demand services you are interested in. Be mindful that buyers would normally prefer to buy products or obtain services from a local vendor whether online or offline. The local vendor would usually provide easy payment methods, faster deliveries, and faster replacements in case of the wrong or defective items. 

2. Decide on your business model 

As a prospective e-commerce business entrepreneur, you should first decide on your business model that best suits your need and budget. You can either sell your products solely on your online store, or you can sell your products on marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc. If you decide on the latter, there is no need for you to build your own website. All you need to do is to sign-up for an account and list your products at its marketplace and start selling. You can also choose to sell your products on both the platforms in parallel. 

3. Decide on a domain name for your business

If you have decided your business model to be an e-commerce online store as well as having chosen the niche and the range of products to sell or the type of services you wish to provide, you need to buy a domain name from any web hosting company such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, Hostgator, etc. Make sure that the domain's hyperlink is "https" which ensures data security over the network. It's preferable to choose a domain name that is closely related to the product niche or services you've chosen. For instance, if you choose to sell only pet accessories, get a domain like '' or '' depending on which is available. The domain name is also considered as your business name and should be easy to remember by your target audience. A domain provides a brand to your business and makes it easy for your audience to associate it with each other. The hosting of the domain is easily done with the help of the web hosting company's support team.

 Check out an e-commerce website that is built using Shopify e-commerce platform at

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Exciting Graphic Design Trends for 2021

Image by 95C from Pixabay 

3D Typography Design

In 2020, typography design became a big hit: designers used all kinds of playful ideas, which were very much liked by viewers. Typography had a lot of artistic flow and will stay this way for some time. Whether organic or geometric, web designers are developing a new trend into 3D typography using the use of the same concepts. However, this time they will add rather than move away from. 

Experts predict that in 2021, the most popular 2020 typography designs will be transformed into 3D. This means lettering will look very realistic to viewers, almost be felt by them. In addition to 3D there will be animation, pattern and texture elements. Typography design is fast becoming an innovative symbol in graphic design, making use of the most up-to-date, reliable techniques in creative and stunning ways.

Cartoon Illustrations in Design

Using custom illustrations is an effective way to set a web design apart from the multitude of websites that have a clean, minimalist look and heavy graphic elements. Illustrations, which are more varied and multi-technique than they were in the past, can improve a web design while keeping it on point and in accordance with its ethos. Custom cartoon characters are going to be a new, popular design trend.

Format variety that is adaptable, creative and playful makes memorable branding. Businesses can express their character on their website, presentation materials, business cards and posters, etc. Plus, everyone loves cartoons. 

Voxel Art Design

A 3D cube called voxel is the equivalent of a 2D pixel. It is seen in a lot of video games like Minecraft. It is easy to recognize and looks close to Lego blocks. It is easy to see why this will rise up the charts in 2021. As earlier mentioned, 3D is a major player, and shape elements will be used to create more interesting designs. Voxel art is a mixture of the two. Though this highly visual technique is a bit childish in its simplicity and has retro appeal, it is very modern.


By Karina Pope. Article Source:


Best Improvised SEO Tips to Implement in 2021, Part Two

  Besides monitoring your site metrics with tools like Google Analytics and maintaining fresh engaging content, as we discussed in Part One,...